Local Turfgrass Farms in North Alabama and South Central Tennessee


Emerald Zoysia


According to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, “Emerald may be the most beautiful of the zoysia grasses.” This extremely dense, fine-textured, soft-to-the-touch turfgrass is notably emerald in color. Emerald zoysia requires frequent maintenance, is slow growing, and goes dormant in the winter. It’s thick layer of thatch makes it especially enjoyable to walk on barefoot.


Amount: One pallet = approx. 38 sq yds (340 sq ft)

Price: $190 per pallet


We begin harvesting Emerald Zoysia in the second week of July 2019. Because we only harvest mature zoysia every other year, we first start with customers on our waiting list.

If you’d like to add your name and phone/email to that list, we will contact you when we are ready to take additional orders – it should be within the next few weeks.



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